The new Cold Sore Treatment that really Works: Available at Dream Smile Dental

Cold sores can be embarrassing and really deter your plans. Cold sores can be brought about by stress, a sunburn and other stimuli, but one thing is for sure, when it hits, you try every method possible to get rid of it fast and get back to your daily life. Dream Smile Dental has been treating cold sores with a special dental laser which either stops the cold sore from appearing or shortens its life span significantly (3-4 days instead of 2 weeks). The ideal time to do the laser is when you feel the tingling feeling of the cold sore coming on, that will increase the chances of it not appearing at all. This can sometimes be difficult with busy schedules, so Dream Smile Dental has introduced another defense against cold sores: professional strength Viroxyn. Viroxyn stops the cold sore in its tracks and heals it in 3 days. It also stops any pain associated with the cold sore in 1 day.


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