Can I Get My Lost Wages Paid After a Car Accident?

If, as a result of the car accident, you suffer injuries that prevent you from performing your work-related duties, you may be entitled to be reimbursed for a portion of your actual lost wages under the applicable Personal Injury Protection (P.I.P.) portion of your own policy. You may recover up to 75% of your lost wages, provided: (1) you were not paid during your absence from work; and (2) your $8,000 in P.I.P. benefits were not exhausted by the payment of medical bills. Remember that the $8,000 available under P.I.P. includes payment of medical bills and lost wages, unless additional “Medical Payments” coverage is available. You will need two items in order to collect your lost wage: 1. A disability note from your medical provider and; 2. a lost wage form completed by your employer which outlines the amount of wages lost.


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